Monday, February 1, 2010


More than two years after the "messiah" emerged onto the political scene - it appears that we have moved past the point of not being to question the "annointed one". Political folks from all walks of life have seemingly awakened and appear to be ready to question the "choosen one". For his part, the "one" wants no part of this. He enjoyed being able to sling socialist rhetoric at a dazed and confused electorate. But now he struggles for his teleprompter when asked tough questions. It seemed unspeakable just weeks ago.

Which begs the question - will Hilary dare to challenge during a primary race? Will she step up and dethrone the "messiah"? It will make for wonderful drama and theater. In the end, I will vote for anyone who respects the constitution and can fnd a way out of these wars. I prefer anyone who is wlling to give me y freedom back and reducea tax burden that is getting completely out of control. Does such a person exists? We will soon find out.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Drinking Water With Your Butt?

When I was in high school, I played football. And every so often my head coach - Warren Walters - would yell across the field at me and proclaim for all the world to hear, "Bradley, you make my butt want a drink of water!!"

To this day I don't know what that means. Seriously, who's butt ever needs a drink of water? And why would someone yell it across the field?

One day I asked Coach Walters what it meant and he told me I would understand whenever I grew up....well - I'm 43 years old and still don't get it. Perhaps that is an indication that I haven't grown up yet. I'm okay with that especially since growing up brings with it knowledge of butts drinking water.

Taylor Swift for Thanksgiving

She stopped by for dinner. Nice kid. Loads of money. Doesn't eat enough. She's too skinny and needs to pile on the gravy....